



New Features
-Calendar Progress Bars
Added daily progress bars to the calendar view
-Calendar Filters
Added additional filtering options to the calendar view
-Calendar - Additional Resolved Statuses
Added support for alternative "resolved" statuses
-Calendar - Dim Other Tickets
You can now hover over calendar entries, and all entries for that ticket will remain fill color, and other entries will dim in color.
Useful to identify tickets that have been worked on multiple times or by several technicians in 1 day.
-Barchart - Style Changes
Style changes for bar chart panels to increase readability and functionality
-Backend Changes
Improved API efficiency for Syncro API calls
-Rename and Copy Dashboards
Added functionality to rename and/or copy existing dashboards.
-Added panel footers and KB links
Added panel footers that can be enabled to provide additional information
-Timer entries
Fixed a bug where some timer entries that were 24/72 hours old would be deleted.
-New User & Password Reset
Properly fixed a problem when new users wouldn't be able to accept their invitation to log in.
-Initial Sync for New Tenants
Resolved an issue for new tenants where some information could take up to 24 hours to sync.
Fixed some responsive issues
Fixed a minor responsive design bug on the home page
Permissions page error
Fixed issue where dashboard permissions in a user view would sometimes be duplicated.